Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Under the Sea

Another amazing trip was my time in the British Virgin Islands. This extravagant place is teeming with sea life and incredible sunsets. On the first day coming into our first cay to pick up food we had several dolphins swimming along side the boat and put on a whole show of flips and twists for us to watch giving us a good feeling to ope up with such a show at the beginning of the trip. Later on we stopped at a place called the boulders where not only did we swim and snorkel to see different colored fish but at the end of the day just before dinner we had the most captivating sunset just off the edge of the cay. We sat and watched the huge ball of colors gently fade into the water and distant islands below. Later that trip we went to a very special cay called compass cay where you could swim and pet the tame sharks that roamed around the dock. This famous attraction of the BVI was one of my favorite stops while all the girls on the dock were frightened and screaming the rest of the boys were in the water swimming and petting the almost 8 foot sharks. By then end of the trip we were so wasted form non stop swimming and playing we were so ready to be home. By the time we were home the great part was that we felt sick for the BVI already

1 comment:

  1. Life is a fairy tale and sometimes you have to go through the evil witch to get to the handsome prince...

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